Harmony Patch

Harmony Patch


Super Puppy and the Rules of 7!

Bio Sensor or Super Puppy Training

Bio Sensor Training 

Five benefits have been observed in puppies that were exposed to the Bio Sensor stimulation exercises. The benefits noted were:

1.      Improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate)

2.      Stronger heart beats

3.      Stronger adrenal glands

4.      More tolerance to stress

5.      Greater resistance to disease

In tests of learning, stimulated pups were found to be more active and were more exploratory than their non- stimulated littermates over which they were dominant in competitive situations.

Secondary effects were also noted regarding test performance. In simple problem solving tests using detours in a maze, the non-stimulated pups became agitated,whined a great deal, and made many errors. Their stimulated littermates were less agitated and whiney by the same test conditions and when comparisons were made, the stimulated littermates were calmer in the new testing environment, made fewer errors and gave only an occasional whine of distress when stressed.  

Training should be fun for you and the puppy!

Puppies love attention! We work with our puppies from day 1 and by the time they leave they usually walk well on a leash. We put velcro collars on around 2 weeks of age and by 4 weeks we hang a light weight leash on them and let them play with us under supervision.  This allows them to get used to the feel of the leash without the restriction.  Every puppy has different potential, but they are usually walking well on a leash by 6 weeks old.  

Completely relaxed!

Completely relaxed!

Puppy Rules of 7

Your puppy started out as our puppy and we want the best for all of our animals.  The puppy rules of 7 helps to give a puppy a headstart on things he or she may come into contact with in the future and it helps them to be inquisitive instead of scared when presented with new sorroundings, people, or sounds.  Puppies all react differently to different situations and they all have their own set of likes and dislikes.  In your folder you will see details of what your puppy was exposed to and how she reacted to those situations.  

First time eating puppy food!

First time eating puppy food!

Food Aggression

One of the most important issues we deal with is food aggression.  The puppies are fed at the same time and are not allowed to fight over the food.  At different stages they are fed in one large bowl, where they all eat together, in separate bowls in the same area and they are handled by me while being fed.  However, PLEASE do not let your children put their hands in the food bowl while your dog is eating.  It is best for small children to be kept away from a dog while he is eating.   

Harmony Patch Farm